street stall selling confectionery open boxes

17 April, 2023

How to Make Your Promotional Confectionery Packages Stand Out

What do you look at when you buy promotional confectionaries such as chocolate bars or sweets? It’s not the confectionary’s taste; it’s your brand’s packaging. Your confectionery packaging has the ability to attract or repel people from buying your product.

Making your confectionary packaging stand out can mean the difference between a successful sale and one that never gets off the ground, so it’s vital that you know how to make your confectionary packaging design pop. Here are some helpful tips on creating promotional confectionary packages that sell like sweet treats.

Consider Your Target Market
If you want your promotional confectionary packages to stand out, you need to consider your target market. Who are you trying to reach? What do they like? What do they need? Answering these questions will help you design a package that appeals to your target market and helps you achieve your desired results.

The age of the intended customer is also important; if you're targeting kids, think about how children interact with products and what they may find appealing. There's also the need for safety; while children can handle most candies, it's better to be safe than sorry when it comes to sugary snacks.

Use Bright, Clear Colours
When choosing colours for your promotional confectionary packages, you want to choose bright, clear colours that will catch people's attention. You also want to ensure that the colours you choose complement each other well.

Label Each Flavour Clearly
Your potential customers should be able to identify each flavour of your confectionary easily. This can be done by having clear and concise labels. Use simple yet bright colours that will contrast well against the background of your packaging.

Use attractive fonts that are easy to read. And finally, make sure your flavours are grouped together logically. By following these steps, you'll be sure to design promotional confectionary packages that stand out from the rest.

Add a Brand Logo
When designing promotional confectionary packages, you want to ensure your brand's logo is front and centre. But how do you make it stand out from the rest of the design?

Cover any Nutritional Information
Regulatory bodies regulate what nutritional information must be included in food packaging, but there are many ways to make this information stand out. For example, you could use colours or symbols to highlight key nutrients or group foods by their nutrient content.

You could also include text on the package that explains what the nutrients do and why they're important. By making the nutritional information on your confectionary packages more eye-catching and informative, you can help your customers make healthier choices.

Add an Eye-Catching Photograph
If you want your promotional confectionary packages to stand out, you need to make them eye-catching. One way to do this is by using bright colours. Another way is to use interesting shapes. You can also use both of these techniques together. For example, you could have a bright pink package shaped like a heart. Or you could have a package with blue stripes in the shape of stars. The possibilities are endless for a photograph.

The Confectionery Only Team